Nowadays, the money earned with hard persistent work tempt to not satisfy many people. And this is the main reason why there constantly appear new ways to make a decent living with no extra effort or time spending. Along with staking and holding, miner hosting is a representative of passive income in the cryptocurrency industry. Literally all you have to do is decide which bitcoin mining site to use. That is it!
Of course, to apply for professional help is not the only approach to crypto mining: you can do it on your own. Yet it hardly could be called an economy of your resources both physical and mental. It is rather a full-time occupation. The servers require a great deal of care, fixing, and meeting of special conditions (e.g. humidity, ventilation, etc). Plus, it might cost you a fortune. Installing a shed, filling it with hardware devices and other needed things may not fit into a budget of ten thousand dollars.
This article is devoted to the most useful web-sites that will surely provide expert services and colocation centers for your profit. We will run you through three of them:
- Shaming
Keep on reading to get a detailed review on those. – your trusted green crypto hosting provider
The very first best bitcoin mining site in our today’s list is Their colocation center is located in a cool region, which positively affects activity and longevity of servers. Along with the work of a professional engineering team, this factor provides the hardware with the most pleasing possible conditions.
There are many benefits of applying for service of, such as:
- They have a special insurance program;
- Here you can purchase ASIC rigs at lower costs than a retail market suggests;
- Once the mining process is completed, you can withdraw the product of it anytime you need;
- High security rates and safe Bitcoin (BTS) storage;
- Competitive prices;
- Individual discounts are offered in separate cases.
Another huge advantage of the company is the environmentally friendly source of electricity. They utilize energy generated from the Bratsk hydroelectric power plant. That means water powers are involved, which happens to be one of the greatest green alternative renewable sources.
As we can see, the overall score of turns out pretty impressive. Therefore, it takes a well-earned place at the top of the article.
Shamining – best cloud mining platform
Established in 2018, Shamining successfully fulfills its duty for 5 years now. Through this time, thousands of customers have reached their goals. What plays into the hands most in here, is that the platform allows you not to actually buy any hardware devices but rent them instead. Not only does it make the process attractive financially but also majorly simplifies it. All you have to do to get started is to complete a three stage operation: register – start miner – receive money. Such user-friendliness makes it suitable both for pros and beginners.
Shamining provides its services with the minimal payment of $250 and offers four packages, three of which are differentiated by the level of income: light, medium, and high. The fourth is called an individual income. The firm claims that the average multiplier on the platform is 1.43x.
As to disadvantages, there may be pointed out one. On the Shamining web-site we have not found any mention of the energy used to be one of renewable sources. Keep in mind that otherwise producing electricity may lead to atmosphere pollution.
ECOS – a wonderful miner hosting platform for custom contracts
Being located in the Free Economic Zone of Armenia ECOS saves itself along with its customers from many types of taxes be it VAT, custom duties, income fees, or property and real estate ones. This makes the firm quite an appealing option for obvious reasons.
To start adding crypto coins circulation with ECOS you can on the web-site as well as in application, available both in Google Play and App Store. Provider claims that with their help with only one contract you may earn $80 per day while the number of the said contracts is unlimited. The minimum contract value appears as $150.
Although electricity rates here come at affordable prices, the energy again is not of a green source.
This was our top list of cryptocurrency mining companies, but there are many more of them on the market in 2022. In case you want to choose on the side, so to say, here follow some pieces of advice to stick to:
- Read the reviews;
- Check the legality;
- Ensure they provide 24/7 support;
- Pay attention to the energy source applied.
Wish you luck in your crypto mining journey!