Blockchain technologies are capturing more and more space, including information space. As a result, more and more news portals, publics, forums, and telegram channels about cryptocurrency appear on the network. Subscribing to telegram channels is an easy way to keep up with the news, be the first to know about all events, and quickly receive trading signals and forecasts for digital assets. In addition, having up-to-date sources of information at hand is a way to save time searching for data on the web yourself.
We bring to your attention the rating of 3 popular publics. It is compiled by popularity among traders, as well as by the amount of useful information on the site. We have selected for you the most informative channels dedicated to cryptocurrency and related categories.
This is a news website that provides the latest news on the major digital assets in the market. Everything is standard, but their analytics is very powerful. On ChainBroker you will find information about large and significant market results.
You can expand your knowledge of reviews by blogging opinions from influencers in the crypto world – a plus, although sometimes these opinions do not take into account assessments or assessments of reality. In my opinion, the blog can be read for business, but not for an objective picture of the industry.
The portal maintains a telegram channel about investing in cryptocurrencies and trading. On the channel, moderators regularly share authoritative opinions with subscribers about the changes taking place in the crypto industry. Extensive experience allows the authors to predict the consequences of certain decisions of regulators. Here you can find the latest company news and comments from its representatives on various issues. The ChainBroker channel also contains analytics and research to keep you up to date with the digital asset market. You can join the telegram channel by following the link.
One of the best cryptocurrency news sites is CryptoDiffer. The platform writes concisely about the latest stories from the crypto sphere, which allows all readers to understand even the most complex issues of this technology. The topics they cover are related to bitcoin, altcoins, everything related to blockchain, and the latest dramas.
Telegram channel CryptoDiffer covers the news of the economy as a whole. At the same time, its authors often focus on the digital asset market. Here you can find up-to-date information from the world of finance in different countries, as well as coin reviews, forecasts of their value, as well as signals for cryptocurrencies. The channel will be useful for investors who want to expand their horizons. Miners and other members of the crypto community will also be able to find interesting information on CryptoDiffer.
CoinPosters is one of the leading names among cryptocurrency sites. Launched recently, CoinPosters has grown steadily and can be described as a long-standing cryptocurrency media platform. Whether it’s the rise and fall of the Bitcoin price index or the emergence of a new cryptocurrency in the industry, CoinPosters will be relevant to you.
The CoinPosters channel is universal. One of its advantages is that platform participants can discuss topics of interest to them with other crypto enthusiasts. Channel users can also communicate with professional traders and receive cryptocurrency signals from them. Also, the CoinPosters channel is indispensable for traders who want to regularly receive trading signals from professionals.
Bottom Line
Information sites about cryptocurrency are not only news, technical analysis, and educational articles. Most portals can help distinguish cryptocurrency scams from honest products. Experienced users regularly read helpful forums and share their knowledge. The main advantage of such forums is the ability to receive information from live sources and form a basic level of knowledge about blockchain and cryptography. Remember that the source of information should be approached selectively and compare information from several authoritative publications at once.