Home Tech How To Download Instagram Stories From a Computer

How To Download Instagram Stories From a Computer

Ever since the addition of stories on Instagram the app has gained more in popularity reaching more than 250 million active daily users.

Unfortunately, stories will only last 24 hours and are only available on Instagram mobile application. To download Instagram stories is the only way to have a story after the allotted time frame. You can view them later, repost them, or do whatever pleases you with this stories. One should be however cautious not to share videos or images they do not have permission to reuse.

In this post, I will show different ways to download Instagram stories.

Top ways to download Instagram stories

1. Using Storiesig

This may be the easiest way of doing this. You must know the username for the story you want to download. Head straight to the official website. Type in the username and hit enter.

If the user you have typed has stories, this stories will be displayed you can click the download option to download them.

The advantages of using Storiesig are:

  • You do not need to install anything
  • It is simple and beautiful
  • Support for download Stories Highlights

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2. Using Zasasa

This is another easy way of downloading Instagram stories but differs slightly from the first method. Rather than making use of usernames, the whole profile URL is needed to download stories.

Head over to the official website. Insert the stories URL in the textbox and click download.


The advantage in using this option is the ability to download stories in different resolution. Note that regardless of the resolution, all stories are downloaded in .mP4 format.

3. Using Weinstag

This method is the closest replica to Storiesig. It also requires one knows the username. To download a story, head to the website and input the username in the textbox and hit the enter key.download instagram stories

Next, click the 3 dots. this brings out the option for download. Click on it and the download starts.

download instagram stories

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4. Download the Entire Web Page

This may not be my number 1 way to download Instagram stories, but it works well.  My preferred choice for this will be a Firefox browser.

First, open whatever Instagram story you want, then Right-click on either side of the rectangle where the story is displayed (ensure it is an empty space). This will give you a context menu.

Select the “Save As” or “Save page as” option.

download instagram stories

Browse a location to save the page.

download instagram stories

To view the stories, browse the saved page location. Search the resource folder that was created for your saved stories. Once you locate the stories, you can delete the rest of the folder.

5. Using 4k Stogram

As far as Instagram is concerned, 4K Stogram ranks as about the most equipped cross-platform application for it. This application is free but at the same time sells a license for premium features.

How it works:

1. Log into your Instagram account from 4K Stogram. Then click on “Tools”. After which you select “Preferences.”

download instagram stories

2. Tick the “Download Instagram Stories” box. Enter your Instagram credentials and click on “Login.”download instagram stories

3. Next, in the text box at the top, enter in the username or Instagram account URL. Click on the arrow at the end of the text box to reveal advanced options.download instagram stories

4. Select “Only Stories (For users)” from the drop-down menu. Lastly, click the “Subscribe” button. This brings back and downloads all the user’s stories and highlights.

download instagram stories


These 5 ways will work well enough. I prefer the straightforward ways of visiting a website and using either the username or URL. I also think 4K Stogram is a great option, but that is just a personal thing. Whichever works for you is ok. You can now enjoy Instagram stories.