Choosing a font for your newsletter is like choosing a palette for an artist. It is not about just picking any old thing and hoping for the best. You want to select a set of colors that work together well, just as you aim to pick a font that works well with your message. The first thing you’ll want to consider is whether or not there are too many fonts being used in any given section of text. If there are more than two or three different fonts on one page, it could be distracting for readers and make it difficult for them to understand what they’re reading, so try not to go overboard with all those fancy options!
You may have heard that there are no rules when it comes to fonts, but this isn’t true – there are rules about how to use fonts properly! Here are some tips on picking the best font for your newsletter.
Avoiding Fussy Fonts
The first thing to avoid when choosing a font is fussy fonts. These are fonts that are too ornate and complicated, or they are simply too small or large in scale. They can also be overly decorative, informal (like Comic Sans), or formal (like Old English).
Keep it Simple
Find the Perfect Contrast
Your newsletter font should be easy to read. It’s not necessary for you to choose a font that is boring or plain, but you want the reader’s eyes to flow smoothly across the page without getting stuck on anything. You also don’t want them straining their eyes in order to decipher what’s written on there!
In addition, it’s important that your chosen newsletter font isn’t too small or too large – either one will make it difficult for readers who aren’t as young as they once were (or those who are simply frailer). And finally, don’t use any fancy characters like swirls or curlicues unless they’re essential components of your business brand identity. Otherwise, they’ll distract from what matters most: communicating with customers through words rather than images alone!
Proper Kerning
Kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a font. Most fonts have different letterforms, which means they have different widths and heights. To ensure that your newsletter looks its best, you need to make sure that each word is spaced properly by adjusting the kerning between each letter pair within it. For example, if you look at “kelly,” you can see that there’s more space between “k” and “e” than there is between any other letters in this word.
The right amount of space between these two letters helps create a more balanced-looking word overall. It makes things look less crowded and messy! However, if we were to decrease this distance too much (or increase it), then our readers would start noticing issues with how readable our text becomes.
Consistent Line Spacing
Line spacing is a subtle but important part of newsletter design. When you’re using a font that’s not condensed, it is best to have consistent line spacing throughout the entire newsletter. Line spacing refers to the distance between your lines of text (the horizontal space between words).
You can check this by using a ruler or measuring tape and placing it on top of your document at various points along the page. Your goal should be for there to be no more than a 1/16 inch (1/8 cm) difference between any two lines in your newsletter, meaning that each line should have about 1/16 inch (1/8 cm) worth of space above or below it.
Ultimately, choosing an appropriate font is about finding the right balance between style and functionality. The best way to do this is by testing out different options and seeing which ones work best for your brand. By keeping these tips in mind, you should be able to find a font that fits your needs perfectly!