Product Information Management in regards to process – is one of the major tasks of an online store. The statistics show that 6 out of 10 buyers refuse to purchase products if they lack description, correct price indication, and delivery terms.
Moreover, online users don’t trust the brand with the non-existent information about the product desired for purchase. Wouldn’t this prove the importance of implementing a serious approach to creating product cards? Let’s consider more in the article by Andrey Pavlenko, CEO of Scallium.
What is the product card, and what are its components?
The product card is a unique page of a specific product. It informs users of everything about the product: from external appearance, dimensions to the price, number in stock at the warehouse, and delivery cost. If the product page “cheats” customers by showing unreliable information, it increases the probability of returned goods and decreases conversion and engagement.
The product page has to be clear and understandable for the customer. The retailer’s task is to do it informatively but at the same time, not to be burdened by it. It can be done with the help of the block approach in accordance with the page format. And the page format is chosen on the basis of price segment and product peculiarities.
Inexpensive goods can be presented in the traditional format of pages focused on visual presentation. It contains several photos and minimum technical characteristics. An extended product page can be created for expensive and valuable goods. It includes a number of tabs with useful photos, videos, and text details. There is one difference between these two formats, and it is the amount of information. In any case, the product card has mandatory blocks independent of the format.
Product page key elements:-
- Navigation chain — details the way that went the user in getting a specific page. Online retailers should not neglect it because it increases the site’s convenience and enables them to turn a few steps back.
- Title — shows the user he arrives on the right page. It can be found on categories pages and product pages from the right/left, over/from the image.
- Product code — identifies the good, making it unique and easy to find on the Web. It helps to navigate in assortment faster and ask clarifying questions to sellers and consultants.
- Images — presents the best visual profile and advantages of the good. It can be achieved only by having high-quality carousel images and a magnifier option for a user-friendly review of visual details.
- Inventory — displays the number of items in the warehouse. In addition to this, the retailer can set up time frameworks to show that goods will be out-of-stock soon.
- Price — has a decisive role for making a purchase, therefore requires a unique approach. It is suggested to fix the cost compared to the average market price or with the discount or coupon code, indicating the amount of money saved.
- Delivery terms — estimates the time frame and cost of the delivery to any specific location. This information is helpful for the clients expecting their order to be delivered the same day from the nearest fulfillment center. Additionally, a disclosure such as a return-exchange-damage policy should be in this block.
- Product description — provides details about the goods. A short bulleted list also can list product advantages. This approach encourages one to make an instant purchase or move on to a longer version. The detailed descriptions are optimized for search engines.
- Product characteristics — provides technical details about the goods. This block describes product weight, dimensions, packaging arrangement, country of production. It helps to avoid making mistakes during purchases.
- Buy Box includes such buttons as Add to cart, Favorites, Wish list. It encourages targeted actions. These buttons should be immediately visible, have an original form contrasted to the website background.
- Feedback and star ratings — confirm or refute users’ doubts to make a purchase. Modern consumers trust the opinion of other buyers more than sellers’ promises. Most customers want to see reviews before purchasing. The seller can win the confidence of thousands of buyers by honestly and publicly responding to negative feedback.
These blocks are non-exhaustive but are expected to be seen as a standard by users while visiting the product page. The absence of at least one of these can predispose the consumer’s opinion about the careless seller’s neglect of the buyers’ experience and expectations. Other elements depend on product type, price segment, and seller’s desire to improve the entire e-store.
How to raise product card conversion?
The main task of the product page and each of its elements is to encourage the purchase. So how to make a card sellable? The real question is, what exactly precludes it from being purchased?
The first step to boost the conversion is to create unique content with keywords. The second one is the elaboration of block sequences and adding buying -triggers into them.
Five life-hacks to increase the product card conversion
- Improve visual appearance. Product images must not be computer-generated mockup photos and have to be honest. Otherwise, consumers pass over the offer and lose trust, especially if they are first-time visitors to the online store. There are two reliable, proven ways to create images. The first one is to show them on a white background or in the usage process - is the second variant.
- Give social proof. It can be positive reviews from satisfied buyers. If you attach one of them in the prominent page position, the conversion raising is guaranteed. The second option is to link experts or popular social media influencers who review and recommend the product.
- Elaborate on the purchase section. The Buy Box block, in addition to the standard elements (price, dimensions, etc.), has to include special offers, for instance, about the discount for the purchase of more than 1 good or for the bundle (product complect).
- Create detailed qualitative descriptions. Information reach, literacy, and uniqueness define the text quality. The description has to give all answers about the product, why it was created, how it works, where it is used, why it has to be purchased, by whom, and how it was produced.
- Personalize offers. It will be a huge plus for online stores to have related, similar, and recommended goods blocks. Offering additional goods to clients will help to improve customer experience and increase the conversion of other related pages.
Product card conversion has a simple formula: purchase quantity/views quantity. If the conversion is still low even with having all the parts mentioned above, pay attention to the price. It has been considered that the higher the product price, the lower the conversion. In this case, the price policy should be re-considered.
The work with the product catalog is the process of managing product cards. It is required for providing the data quality about the products in multi-channel conditions. It is hard to work manually with thousands of items. According to the River Sand, 30% of such “manual” data have mistakes. This problem can be solved by using specialized software.
Product Information Management PIM is a solution that simplifies all processes connected with catalog management: uploading, editing, standardization, formatting, centralized data storage. It helps to achieve strategic aims and solve specific e-commerce tasks with products.
Three main e-commerce tasks that PIM can solve
- Sales increase. PIM helps to create collections and share them with the audience. For instance, sport and fishing equipment categories can be gathered into summer engagements, flowers, chocolate, and perfumes – to the St. Valentine’s Day. Such adjustment to the market trends will boost sales.
- Content quality improvement. PIM recognizes duplicates and shows “empty” positions. It guarantees the completeness, relevance, and correctness of data that is necessary for content optimization.
- Customer experience personalization. PIM is about content updates and functional improvements. For instance, it is expressed in making size tables and automatic size calculations according to the shopper input dimensions.
Proper content management organization will enable e-commerce businesses to develop quickly. The online retailer’s task is to turn the product page into a personal sales consultant who can describe everything about the product to purchase.
Andrii Pavlenko has 15 years of experience in developing software products.
He worked with a team to develop a process management tool, which was later bought by Amazon. Also, at one point in his life, Andrii consulted software companies on how to become more effective, working together with one of the Scrum co-founders Jeff McKenna.
Having applied the accumulated experience and knowledge, Andrii helped companies in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, and other countries to build enterprise processes and develop Agile culture. Since 2017, Andrii has been developing his own projects. He is co-founder and CEO of the Scallium platform.