Statistics are a ruthless thing… So, according to statistics, about 60% of active applicants are looking for a job of their dreams on the Internet. A modern recruiter can use a lot of high-quality websites with resume databases and the possibility of placing vacant positions in his company. Social media are not lagging.
There are so many opportunities for job seekers, they just need to prepare a decent CV with 1ResumeWritingService before reacting to job offers.
Over the past ten years, they have become outsiders among the five most popular and sought-after sources of work. Everything seems to be clear with applicants: if you want to find a job or get acquainted with interesting market offers, turn to the colorful and diverse world of the Internet. And what about employers?
For employers, everything is much more complicated and interesting. The most important thing for a company that is looking for employees using the World Wide Web is to become noticeable among tens of millions of the same hunters for excellent personnel.
Popular job sites allow employers to create a bright individual image of the company. Interactive banners, brightly branded vacancies, a mini-website of the company… The offer, you will agree, is interesting.
Most often, it is precise because of the effectiveness of using such chips that employers have a desire to create a “Career” section on the company’s website.
Such a section allows you to solve many tasks for recruiters — this is the possibility of posting vacancies, and their consolidation, and a way to tell the applicant in detail about the criteria and stages of selection, conduct online testing, etc. But all these tasks will be solved only with the competent promotion of the company’s website.
All new technologies in the selection become a problem most often if they are used either for other purposes or without understanding their advantages.
A thoughtful recruiter with at least three years of experience understands for which positions it is better to use new technologies, and for which — only their elements.
By personality type, a recruiter is usually open to everything new, but not ready for constant experiments. He develops his library of successful modes and acceptable solutions, fixes a pool of the most successful ones in memory, knows how to differentiate the natural result of his efforts and pure luck (which also happens periodically in the practice of an experienced recruiter).
All new technologies in the selection become a problem most often if they are used either for other purposes or without understanding their advantages.
A purposeful recruiter is ready to seriously rework the usual scenario of actions and start, for example, not with a resume at all, but with recommendations that were one of the final stages in the traditional search. Often in the selection, it is necessary to follow the preferences of candidates — then it is already a search with elements of training.
Regardless of what technologies and methods the recruiter use, he must understand the structure, corporate culture of the company, as well as the potential of the person who comes to the interview.
The specialist should evaluate the professional level of the candidate using specific technologies and assessment methods.
The abundance of new technologies is not a problem for recruitment, but, on the contrary, opens up new opportunities and saves time. They use LinkedIn as an additional opportunity to search for candidates with recommendations. Through social media, they collect information about the candidate’s identity to better understand whether a person is suitable for us or not. And recruiters especially appreciate the opportunity to conduct interviews with candidates via Skype.
Over the past 10-12 years, skype interviews have become a common procedure for most companies in regional recruitment. This format of the interview allows you to see the candidate: track his reactions (mimic, emotional) to the statements of the interviewer, which, in turn, can be provocative, monitor his behavior at certain moments of the meeting. There are many more nuances that cannot be fully appreciated in a phone conversation.
And new technologies are a great help for an HR specialist. High-quality tools and techniques have undeniable advantages — they reduce the cost of time and money, eliminate the factor of subjectivity in evaluation, are available online, have high validity, adapt to the needs of the company.
In addition, it is convenient that to apply the techniques, you do not need to be an expert in their development and validation — the technology development company has already passed this path. And the broader the set of methods, the more accurately each firm will choose its own, most appropriate to the corporate culture, methods of search, and evaluation.
At the same time, any technologies are only methods. Just as tools in the hands of a skilled craftsman can make a work of art out of a soulless lump, so modern HR technologies, if they are used wisely, under the supervision of a qualified, certified specialist, can bring a lot of benefits.
Using remote access to the company’s cloud infrastructure is one of the ways to optimize the work of employees. This new business model significantly increases the mobility of the company’s employees and provides them with access to documents from anywhere where there is an Internet connection. Specialists do not need to stand in traffic jams or spend time in the morning crush of the subway, which is very important for large cities. These opportunities attract a large number of high-level professionals who value their time.
The development of technologies is always a problem for those who refuse to master them. Their rapid development can make life easier for both applicants and employers. For example, we constantly post vacancies both on HeadHunter and on social media. It seems to us that these are complementary channels. We really like different HeadHunter features, for example, the ability to attach a test to a vacancy.
But as for social media, it is much easier to get coverage and report a vacancy even to someone who does not think about changing jobs. New search technologies in social media help not only to reveal the hidden potential of applicants, their pros and cons but also to optimize the search for employees.
Most recruitment technologies are aimed at reducing costs and increasing the speed of closing a position. The abundance of new technologies makes it difficult to choose the most correct method.
Despite the abundance of tools, technologies that improve the quality of employees hired with their help are not enough, there is something to strive for. Shortly, selling selection technologies will be improved.
Personnel management technologies are actively developing now. However, using modern recruitment technologies, recruiters are increasingly stating a personnel shortage justified by the low level of training of young specialists. On the other hand, applicants complain about the low level of professionalism and limited recruiters.
Thus, there are a sufficient number of vacancies in various industries and a large number of applicants who want to fill these vacancies, but applicants and employers often do not find each other. In the current situation, new technologies are the solution to personnel problems, but no one will ever be able to neutralize the importance of the human factor.
I see the problem not in technologies as such, but in the ability to apply them, to do it consciously and appropriately. A recruiter needs to be able to navigate the current situation, always be on the topic and keep up with the new developments.