Regardless of the industry you find yourself in, you have to deal with and be exposed to a large array of files due to the growing emphasis and value placed on digital assets management These files may be a book review, a land/ real estate document, picture, res, videos, presentations, and a logo.
Dealing with files can be such a huge task if you are not properly armed with the right set of techniques to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. There are certain procedures to be carried out to ensure you’re adept in the use and management of files.
Increasing your efficiency in working with files is not an instantaneous event. It takes several moments of practice and routine structures. Structures have to be put in place to ensure ease. These structures and systems include:
Digital Asset Management
If you are tired of spending a lot of time searching for a document that you may never find then you should consider digital asset management. Digital asset management ensures that your assets are organized, stored, and maximized. With digital management, you escape the drudgery that comes with manual processes.
You don’t have to worry about where you keep a file as long as you have categorized them based on certain keywords to facilitate visibility and recoverability. You can add special tags to your files to streamline your search in times of need. It would also be an added advantage if your software offers advanced search features like daminion which permits the use of conjunctions to streamline search results
Create a Structure
You have to create internal structures particularly concerning categorization and a naming convention. The naming convention must be unique and peculiar to you. You should also be consistent with its usage too. For instance, you can adopt the (YYYY- MM- DD) format or even use the name of the project lead or the creator’s name to foster easy retrieval.
You don’t want to be cursing under your breath and gritting your teeth in suppressed agony because a file that you had earlier saved can’t be found. The file name should also be descriptive. E.g A travel document can be stored as a vacation or cruise to speed up the search process. You should categorize files in folders to bolster some sort of centralization. In this way, digital assets are not left unused or mismanaged.
Also, you have to sort out your files based on the currency of the work you are doing on them. If you are done with a file, files of sort should be kept in a different place and should be kept with files that work still needs to be done on. You must ensure that this structure befits your immediate needs. It must cater to your needs and that of the organization which you are working for.
Saving Your Files
You cannot get what is not embedded in the computer system. You must ensure that you save your work at every interval or at every chance you get. Failure to do so portends various dangers to one’s business. Saving a file immediately reduces the possibility of data loss whose effects are always severe.
When saving names on the computer, you should adopt a predetermined format. Do not make use of characters unnecessarily rather you can deploy the use of numbers that connote something for easy remembrance.
Backup to Prevent Total Data Loss
I’m sure you expected this one. Backup is the method of saving. You have to create a consistent culture of backing up files in case your data or files are being attacked. It saves you from those teeth-gnashing moments associated with data loss.
You may decide to create copies of your files on an online platform or an external hard drive. With this, you are armed to weather the storms that come with system crashes and failures. It is also advisable to have a backup routine in terms of time intervals. It can be hourly, daily, or monthly depending on your structure. The bottom line is that it must be feasible.
Be Flexible
You have to remain flexible and fluid in dealing efficiently with files. Rigidity complicates the entire file management process. Being flexible is made evident in adapting to new patterns and trends in file management. You should be open to changing your routines to meet the demands of your job and your present role.
You should also try new file management techniques and practices as there is no one cap fits all size approach to finding a suitable file mechanism.
Sort Your Files
Searching for a file without making any significant headway can be nerve-wracking. Hence, it becomes imperative for you to sort out your files. You should separate files that are rarely in use from the current ones.
Mixing files of different types without creating an archive for the ones that are no longer in use is an unhealthy file management ethic. When you clear out old files you create more space in your system which could be utilized for current files and projects.
Use a Cloud-Based Software
A cloud-based software offers a variety of benefits and opportunities. A cloud-based service gives you the luxury of working remotely as long as there is the availability of an internet connection. Your files can also be kept or stored in a single source. You do not have to worry about a tardy file system.
A cloud-based software is also a good investment for your business as it presents the option of considerable large storage to suit your storage needs. It can also be scaled to accommodate more space. With this, you can automate your workflow processes.
Wrapping Up
You should note that these strategies must be consistently followed and implemented for you to be able to work effectively with your files devoid of strain and stress. Think stress-free, think Daminion!