Many advances in the development of have sought to demystify coding and make it more user-friendly for the market. This mission continues, as the CNBC of enterprise venture Airtable has shown; software that makes it more accessible to code the ‘next big thing’ will always be popular.
Indeed, many recent changes in the landscape of computer programming have shown that the space for everyman coders will continue to widen. From assistive technology that will aid businesses in creating bespoke tools, through to the potential advent of automated programming, the proliferation of high-quality software is continuing to rise.
Sharing knowledge
There has always been a fertile environment for coders to be self-taught. CNet profiles some of the most popular services in the USA, many of which have been running for years, and note a key facet of these services – in many cases, they’re simply ways to share information.
Having access to the best tips can help the process of learning Python, AWS, ML and Java much easier; coding is a collaborative venture, after all, and the most experienced and seasoned programmers aren’t afraid to speak about their reliance on StackOverflow in resolving bugs. Improving the way that data and knowledge is shared, and packaging it into learning solutions that can be easily delivered, will help to deliver the next generation of coding technology.
Sharing knowledge
There has always been a fertile environment for coders to be self-taught. CNet profiles some of the most popular services in the USA, many of which have been running, and note a key facet of these services – in many cases, they’re simply ways to share information. Having access to the best tips can help the, AWS, ML and Java much easier; coding is a collaborative venture, after all, and the most experienced and seasoned programmers aren’t afraid to speak about their reliance on StackOverflow in resolving bugs. Improving the way that data and knowledge is shared, and packaging it into learning solutions that can be easily delivered, will help to deliver the next generation of coding technology.
US News produces a yearly report of the best digital schools when it comes to programming, and it’s notable that their preview highlights the increased participation in the digital course scene from the big names in academia. The sharing of knowledge from schools and institutions that may previously have siloed it is good news for the wider industry. The more information that’s out there, the better quality the coding that can be provided. That’s true whether it’s to help business owners chip in with their own systems, or in producing the tools that will help enterprise to run more smoothly.
Doing the job automatically
Airtable is the latest in a long line of platforms that complete the hard work of coding for the user. SquareSpace, which creates full-stack quality websites through intuitive means, was arguably the leader in this regard, and showed the clear opportunity in the market for services that can provide businesses with good quality web content without needing to invest in bespoke services or programming talent. Airtable and its rivals are platforms that take that to the next level by providing tools that transcend any single use; more of a toolkit in its nature, that allows for a completely open sandbox, enabling the development of software designed with a specific role in mind.
Even where software does not offer an intuitive graphical user interface and tools to easily construct websites, they are increasingly providing features to help beginner coders. According to Microsoft, their flagship integrated development environment, VisualStudio, will feature automated code clean-up in its 2022 edition. This will help beginner programmers, or businesses trying their hand, to understand where mistakes are made and reduce the level of bugs in their programs. This will be the standard, at least until truly automated systems are made available for the production of code.
Post-coding age ahead?
In the world of business, the ultimate code generation would be entirely hands-off. Giving businesses and the individuals the time to think about their ideas, instead of focusing on the technical demands of their work, can lead to huge business growth – time is money, after all. The ultimate way to take away this need, past helpful software or third party help, is through automation. The New York Times have tracked the rise of AI that can write code on its own, and the startling progress it has made already. Veteran provide anecdotal evidence of how the AI can solve questions in two minutes that they would have taken the day to answer.
These capabilities are already being put to use, albeit on a small scale. The Verge, in a recent profile of new user-friendly AI technologies, highlights the use of the GPT-3 AI algorithm in coding platforms including Microsoft’s. The use of AI on a granular scale, as it has been done here,
Proof in the product
These changes are not purely academic. Poor quality software can have a significant impact on the running of a business. Analysis conducted by hardware innovators Synopsys estimates the impact of poor quality software in the US to be around $2 trillion. The reasons for that economic loss are varied, ranging from increased losses due to cyberattacks where cybersecurity software isn’t up to scratch, to a loss of income from poor quality customer interactions if relationship software isn’t up to date.
Indeed, as marketing and digital economy standards change, the standards for software move with them. It is crucial to keep on top of the latest marketing trends, and businesses should know that the digital world is so enmeshed with every aspect of business that they will require up-to-date software to go with it. Data collection, analysis, and conversion to leads can only be done with good quality software, and that necessitates the wider sharing of IT tools and skills with business leaders who aren’t tech-savvy.
There will of course always be coding vocations for enthusiasts and hobbyists. Much of the ingenuity that goes into modern coding systems has come from the experimentation of coders. Furthermore, someone needs to focus software, AI included, on the right problems of the era – machine learning is not 100%, and requires a considerable amount of guidance to reach the right results. That being said, a completely automated programming system is a huge benefit for businesses, and perhaps the logical next step for the coding ecosystem. Providing a solution for businesses to maintain their systems in a way that’s as free from fuss as possible is an undoubtable success.