Home Pokemon 11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

The past two decades have witnessed splendid adventures, exciting experiences, and surprises as a delight from the incredible world of pokemon.

It is believed that for every kid who belongs to the nineties, the world of pokemon is a different craze altogether, and this craze persists even in modern times.

One of the biggest dreams for these kids was owning and petting pokemon of their own and getting to experience these crazy creatures from much closer distances. The Pokemon craze has been magical for ages due to its super thrilling and enigmatic experiences and exciting adventures that it offers.

The imperiously cute and adorable looks of each and every pokemon attract a massive audience all across the globe to watch and enjoy these shows, including feminine audiences.

The current update says that as of now, the world of pokemon offers a whopping 893 different kinds of pokemon, all of which are extremely cute, robust, strong, crazy, adorable, and powerful.

Modern research, science, technology, and design is contributing to making new attractive pokemon designs every year. Each new pokemon comes with its unique new characteristics, features, looks, and designs, which are as good as all other pokemon and does not fail to bring fun, thrill, and joy to its viewers.

We see super interesting different forms of every pokemon that happens to be more potent than its original form with every evolution. 

Some of the most well known pokemon types are grass, poison, fire, flying, fairy, ghost, steel, electric, ice, among many others. One type that always seems to be intimidating and powerful is the ‘psychic’ type of pokemon.

These pokemon are powerful, extremely strong, and aggressive, cute, and robust. These pokemon have extraordinary powers, strengths, attractive looks, and weaknesses, which make them distinguishably different from the other types. 

Introduction of Psychic Type Pokemon

Psychic-type pokemon have been in existence from almost the beginning of the Pokemon creations. The first introduction of psychic type pokemon happened in the very first generation of the Pokemon series.

There are many known pokemon who are vulnerable to psychic type pokemon’s moves. Some of them are Gengar, Machamp, Grimer, Koffing, Haunter, Garbodor, and Weezing, among many others. 

Psychic-type Pokemon are known to be extremely effective against fighting and poison types and are known to be vulnerable to dark, bug, and ghost type pokemon.

Although psychic type pokemon are super cool and very powerful, they are not very effective against steel type pokemon.

Some of the best psychic type pokemon are Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Alakazam, Espeon, Azelf, Cresselia, Lugia, Meowstic, Uxie, Gothita, Mr. Mime, Wobbuffet, Espurr, Metagross, Mew, Mesprit, Deoxyx, and Reuniclus, among many others. 

Colors of Psychic Type Pokemon

Psychic-type pokemon can be distinguished by their unique names, colors, strengths, and powers. The overall color theme of these types of pokemon is bright, eye-catching, and pastel.

Some of the exciting colors used are blue, red, purple, brown, grey, pink, orange, brown, white, black, yellow, and green. Each and every pokemon belonging to this type is exceptionally colorful and beautiful in appearance. Their vivid appearance and unique features make them different from all the other pokemon.

These psychic type pokemon are adorable in their own creepy ways. They are incredibly appealing physically, and their designs are fun, unique, and trendy.

These types of pokemon can demonstrate breathtakingly beautiful moves and can learn any new action swiftly. Psychic-type Pokemon are known to be extremely fierce and powerful and are much more robust and crazy than any other type of pokemon. 

List of the Best Psychic Pokemon 👌👌

Below mentioned is a list of some of the best, most powerful, and interesting psychic type pokemon of all time.


Metagross is a steel-psychic type of pokemon that was first introduced in the third generation of pokemon. Metagross’s evolution happened from Metang and Beldium.

Best Steel Type Pokemon

Metagross is genderless and has a catch rate of 1.6%. It has a height of 1.6m and a weight of 550 kg with a slow leveling rate. Metagross is massive, robust, and enormous in size and is known to be one of the strongest psychic-type pokemon.

This creature has a disc-shaped body with four small legs. This ‘mechanized arachnid’s’ body serves as its head too. Metagross uses its robust body to catch hold of its prey and engulf it with its mouth later. Metagross has large red eyes on either side of the metallic cross.

Metagross takes its form from two metagrosses fusing together into one, as a result of which one metagross ends up having four brains in total. All of metagross’s brains are connected by a network of very complicated neurons.

Due to metagross’s complicated brain networking, it can perform very complex calculations. Sometimes it is said that this creature is even more powerful than a supercomputer.

During a battle, metagross is always at a plus point because it can use its brain to analyze and understand the moves and body language of its opponent. Metagross is fierce and aggressive and uses its paws to throw down its enemy.

Later it uses its sharp teeth to chew the enemy into bits. Usually, metagross is found in rough terrains, but sometimes it is also found on snowy mountains.

They can survive on snowy mountains as they have the superpower of their magnetic powers becoming stronger in freezing temperatures.

Best Steel Type Pokemon

Metagross’s positives:-

  • Metagross is a very fierce and powerful pokemon who has the capability to win any battle.  
  • It has very strong legs and paws, which it uses to throw down its enemy as its defense.
How GOOD was Metagross ACTUALLY? - History of Metagross in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 3-6)


Solgaleo is a steel-psychic-type legendary pokemon that was first introduced in the seventh generation of the series. Solgaleo’s evolution has happened from cosmoem, and it is known to be a genderless pokemon.

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Solgaleo’s highly technical design gets even crazier with its full metal-made body. It has a catch rate of 11.9%, a height of 3.4m, and a weight of 230kg with a slow leveling rate.

Solgaleo appears in the form of a lion and is undoubtedly one of the best psychic type pokemon. This pokemon has pale blue fierce eyes with a blue-grey nose. The top part of Slogaleo’s face is blue in color and displays a dynamic starscape.

Solgaleo’s face has huge spike-like structures all over it, which appear almost like a crown over its head. The entire structure, stature, and appearance of this pokemon are like a fully grown robust lion.

It is said that Solgaleo often enters a phase which is known as a radiant sun, in this phase, a third eye appears on its forehead. The entire body radiates a yellow aura when the beast enters the stage.

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Solgaleo’s Positives:-

  • It is believed that Solgaleo can store a massive amount of energy in its body and radiates bright yellow color when active.
  • Solgaleo is solely said to be the only pokemon who can learn the move called sun steel strike. It can use solar energy to create grand evolutions.  

3. Mr. MIME

Mr. Mime is a psychic-fairy type Pokemon who is also known as a barrier Pokemon or a dancing Pokemon. Mr. Mime is 50% male and 50% female with a height of 1.3m and a weight of 54.5kg.

Best Fairy Type Pokemon Of All Time 4

The first introduction of Mr mime had happened in generation one when it used to be a pure psychic type Pokemon. Later in generation six, it became a psychic fairy type Pokemon. Mr. Mime is known to be a psychic bipedal humanoid pokemon. 

Mr. Mime has a mute pinkish head with blue hair giving him a clown-like appearance. The body structure of Mr. Mime is round with pink arms and legs.

Mr. Mime has funny-looking pink circular structures all over his body with blue feet and blue horns. It has white hands with pink fingertips on all fingers. 

This pokemon has this unique feature through which it can change air molecules into solids using its fingertips. It can use this ability to create invisible elements by just using gestures.

Mr. Mime doesn’t like an interruption and punishes people who interrupt him. Mr. Mime is usually found in suburban areas.

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Mr. Mime’s Positives:-

  • Mr. Mime has this unique ability to change air molecules into solids. Using this ability he can create any element using just gestures.
  • It also has this unique feature through which it creates unique auras using just its fingertips to protect itself and others. Such powers definitely make it one of the best and most crazy psychic type pokemon in existence.


Gardevoir is a psychic-fairy type pokemon who happens to be fifty percent male and fifty percent female. Usually, a gardevoir has a height of 1.6 m and a weight of 48.4 kg. This type of pokemon was introduced in the third generation.

Best Fairy Type Pokemon Of All Time 5

Like Mr.Mime, it is a psychic bipedal humanoid pokemon. Gardevoir’s body is covered with a flowing gown that is white in color. This creature has a green body, curly hair, and red eyes. The superpower of this creature is that it can foresee the future using its psychic powers. 

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Gardevoir’s Positives:-

  • Foreseeing the future is one of its superpowers and is a gift of the psychic feature that it owns. 
  • Gardevoir can also create tiny black holes, destroy dimensions, and can defend itself without experiencing the gravitational pull.
  • Gardevoir is known to be very fond of their trainers, and it is said that they can go up to any extent to protect their trainers. Such virtues make it one of the best-known fairy type pokemon.


Reuniclus is a multiplying psychic type pokemon who is known to be fifty percent male and fifty percent female with a catch rate of 12.9%. It has a height of 1.0m and a weight of 20.1kg with a medium-slow leveling rate.

Best Psychic Pokemon

This particular pokemon was first introduced in the fifth generation of the pokemon series. It is said that its evolution has happened from Duosion, and its final form is called Solosis. 

Reuniclus is green in color, and greenish gelatinous substances surround its body. It has a large round head with two protruding ears and tiny black eyes.

It has small arms and legs along with several round pinkish and yellowish structures floating in its arms. This creature also has a tiny small tail. It is said that reuniclus has extremely powerful arms and controls these arms with the help of psychic powers. 

Best Psychic Pokemon

Reuniclus’s positives:-

  • Many reuniclus when they come together can form a network of multiple brains of each other by holding hands of each other.
  • These creatures prefer to use their large, strong arms to pummel opponents.
  • Reuniclus has massive, powerful arms, which is a store of psychic powers.
  • This creature’s body consists of a liquid that grants wisdom but is extremely toxic when drunk. Such features make these creatures one of the best psychic type Pokemons.
GOTHITELLE vs REUNICLUS - Evolution Line Battle (PokĂŠmon Sword/Shield)


Alakazam is a pure psychic type Pokemon who is 75% male and 25% female and has a catch rate of 12.9%. It has a height of 1.5m and a weight of 48.0 kg with a comparatively slow-medium leveling rate.

Best Psychic Pokemon 1

This Pokemon was introduced in the very first generation of the Pokemon series. It is said that its evolution has happened from Kadabra, and its final form is known as Abra.

Just like Mr. Mime, Alakazam is known to be a humanoid form of Pokemon who has a large mustache. The difference between a female and a male Alakazam is that a female Alakazam has a slightly smaller mustache than a male.

This Pokemon looks like a fox-like robot with fierce white eyes and horns. The overall color of the Pokemon is a combination of yellow and brown. In both its hands, it holds one silver spoon each, which acts as the source of its psychic abilities. 

Best Psychic Pokemon 1

Alakazam’s Positives:-

  • It is one of Alakazam’s superpowers to use the silver spoons to lower its opponent’s accuracy by just bending the spoons.
  • This creature is a powerhouse of psychic abilities and is very strong and fierce.
  • It is said that Alakazam has a splendid memory and can remember almost all the experiences of its lifetime.
  • It has a very sharp IQ and certainly makes it to the list of one of the best psychic type Pokemons.


Hatterene is known to be calm & silent Pokemon who belongs to the psychic-fairy type. It is a 100% female Pokemon with a catch rate of 11.9%. It has a height of 2.1m and a weight of 5.1 kg with a slow leveling rate.

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

This particular Pokemon was introduced first in the 8th generation of the series. It is said that its evolution has happened from Hatterem, and its final form is known as Hattenna.

Hatterene is a small white color lady-like creature who is known to be a humanoid pokemon. It has a round head with a little mouth and narrow black eyes. It wears a semi-translucent dress, which gives it a witch-like resemblance.

It also has bluish pink hair, which resembles a witch’s hat. This creature’s nature and emotions are known to be solitary and reclusive. 

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Hatterene’s Positives:-

  • Hatterene is known to have strong psychic powers, which can cause headaches to others who try to approach or disturb it.
  • This Pokemon is capable of short-distance teleportation and is known as the forest witch.
  • Hatterene is the only known psychic type Pokemon who can use the move called the magic powder and the super unique g-max move and is one of the best psychic type Pokemon.


Espeon is a sun Pokemon who belongs to the psychic type and has a catch rate of 11.9%. It is an 87.5% male and 12.5% female Pokemon with a height of 0.9m and a weight of 26.5kg.

Best Psychic Pokemon 3

It has a medium-fast leveling and was introduced in the second generation of the series. It is said that it’s evolution has happened from Eevee. This creature is known to be a quadrupedal mammalian type of Pokemon.

It is a cat-like-looking Pokemon fully covered in lilac color fur. It has large ears and a slender tail. Espeon has cute purple eyes and a small red gem on its forehead. Espeon is found in urban areas.

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Espeon’s positives:-

  • Espeon has this unique ability through which it can predict the weather. It also uses its tail to predict the opponent’s moves.
  • The red gem found on Espeon’s forehead is a storehouse of psychic powers, and it uses this power to protect its trainer. It is one of the best psychic Pokemon.


Bruxish is a water-psychic type Pokemon that is 50% male and 50% female and has a catch rate of 18.4%. It has a height of 0.9m and a weight of 19kg with a medium-fast leveling rate.

Best Psychic Pokemon 4

It was first introduced in the seventh generation of the series. This Pokemon resembles a multi-color fish with sharp and fierce teeth. The overall color combination of this creature is pink, yellow, purple, and blue. This Pokemon emits a low level of psychic power and acts as a radar to detect prey. 

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

Bruxish’s Positives:-

  • This creature has a superpower through which it emits a psychic aura. When one comes in contact with this aura, one receives a terrible headache or falls unconscious.
  • The grinding sound of Bruxish’s teeth makes all of its opponents want to flee immediately. It is definitely one of the best psychic Pokemon.


Alolan Raichu is a mouse Pokemon that belongs to the psychic-electric type. Its extraordinary power is called “Surge Surfer.” It is 50% male and 50% female and has a catch rate of 17.5%.

11 Best Psychic Pokemon Of All Time

It has a height of 0.7m and a weight of 21.0 kg with a medium-fast leveling rate. It was introduced in the very first generation of the series and has evolved from Pikachu.

The Alolan Raichu just looks like a little cute adorable mouse, which is yellowish-brown in color. It has tiny cute, appealing blue eyes, protruding ears, and a long tail.

Alolan Raichu’s superior psychic power resides in its tail, which it uses like a surfboard and floats on it in the air. Since it has evolved from Pikachu, it is extremely cute and adorable looking and draws a lot of love and attention to itself.

It is one of the cutest and best looking psychic type pokemon. It is not as popular as Pikachu but has equally unique powers and features. 

Alolan Raichu’s Positives:-

  • Alolan Raichu’s cheek sacks are a storehouse of electricity, and when it rubs its cheeks, it emits a sweet aroma, which also gets a light shock.
  • This creature is very cute looking but is capable of violent action like unleashing star-shaped thunderbolts. It definitely makes it to the list of best psychic Pokemons.

The entire pokemon kingdom is known to be super dramatic, adventurous, enigmatic, and fun. It never fails to offer new adventures and new surprises to its viewers.

Every type of pokemon is fun to watch, with the modern contribution of science and technology, it is very difficult to choose between all of them. All of them are improving, look wise, and power wise with every single little evolution.

The psychic type is especially known to be one of the best types with some of the best powers, strengths, and features. 

As mentioned earlier, the pokemon are some of the best psychic types of pokemon that are available.

In this context, it is very important to mention that each and every pokemon belonging to the psychic type is absolutely amazing and unique in its own way. This list is made purely by keeping in mind the uniqueness of each pokemon’s features and powers, along with their crazy looks.

This list has no mention of any competition between them. Each and every psychic type of pokemon is as good as the other, and honestly, it has been very, very difficult to distinguish among them in terms of betterment.Â