Home Authors Posts by Sarah Khan

Sarah Khan

Sarah is a tech enthusiast and prolific writer, specializing in consumer electronics and wearable technology. With her knack for simplifying complex concepts, Sarah's engaging articles have become a go-to resource for readers seeking practical advice on the latest gadgets and how to make the most of them.

25 Of The Best Stores like Aritzia To Try Out

Aritzia, a store founded in 1984 in Vancouver, Canada, is a little different from our usual fast fashion choices. Unlike its competitors (Zara, H&M,...

Doodly Review – a Step-Up in Video Creating Software or Not? 

Why would you need Doodly? Say a teacher, to whom we will refer to as X, needs to prepare a detailed and aesthetically pleasing...

15 Most Innovative Healthcare Apps Currently Available 

In recent times the entire healthcare industry and medical industry has been changed. This drastic change credit goes to the mobile development industry, which...

11 Of The Best Online Android Emulator To Try Out Today

An online Android emulator performs almost all the functionalities of what a real Android device does. Hence, there are a variety of reasons that...

11 Of The Best Games like Fallout Shelter to Keep you...

Wondering what is the Best Games like Fallout Shelter to Keep you Trundling?🤔 No worries because that’s exactly what I’m going to show you...